"#format" "{1:c}"
"en" " {1}PB"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s},{7:s},{8:i}"
"en" "[{1}GLOBAL{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} (PRO) on {6}! [{7}, Tick{8}]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s},{7:s},{8:i},{9:i}"
"en" "[{1}GLOBAL{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} (TP) on {6}! [{7}, TPs: {8}, Tick{9}]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP is not allowed because your last teleport origin is in midair"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c},{7:c},{8:s},{9:c},{10:c},{11:s},{12:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Current map: {4}{5}{6}, Tier: {7}{8}{9} (approved by {10}{11}{12})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Current map: {4}{5}{6} (not approved)"
"en" "Language - English"
"en" "Language - German"
"en" "Language - Swedish"
"en" "Language - French"
"en" "Language - Russian"
"en" "Language - Chinese"
"en" "Language - Portuguese Brazilian"
"en" "Language - Spanish"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Map music stopped."
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "[KZTimer] You don't fulfill the criteria to play on this server. You must be ranked as 'VIP', 'ADMIN', '{1}' or above"
"en" "[KZTimer] Please set your fps_max greater than or equal to 120"
"en" "Adv center panel (lj takeoff info) - Enabled"
"en" "Adv center panel (lj takeoff info) - Disabled"
"en" "Replay route (requires replay bots) - Enabled"
"en" "Replay route (requires replay bots) - Disabled"
"en" "Adv checkpoint menu - Enabled"
"en" "Adv checkpoint menu - Disabled"
"en" "Hide other players - Enabled"
"en" "Hide other players - Disabled"
"en" "Error sounds - Enabled"
"en" "Error sounds - Disabled"
"en" "Color chat (jumpstats) - None"
"en" "Color chat (jumpstats) - All"
"en" "Color chat (jumpstats) - Red jumps only"
"en" "Color chat (jumpstats) - None (Except yours)"
"en" "Checkpoint done chat message - Enabled"
"en" "Checkpoint done chat message - Disabled"
"en" "Checkpoint menu sounds - Enabled"
"en" "Checkpoint menu sounds - Disabled"
"en" "Quake sounds - None"
"en" "Quake sounds - All"
"en" "Quake sounds - Godlike jumps and records only"
"en" "Quake Sounds - Records Only"
"en" "Print strafe sync to chat - Enabled"
"en" "Print strafe sync to chat - Disabled"
"en" "Show timer text - Enabled"
"en" "Show timer text - Disabled"
"en" "Spectator list - Player counter + names"
"en" "Spectator list - Player counter"
"en" "Spectator list - Disabled"
"en" "Center panel (jump distance, speed, keys) - Enabled"
"en" "Center panel (jump distance, speed, keys) - Disabled"
"en" "Starting weapon - USP"
"en" "Starting weapon - Knife"
"en" "Jump beam - Enabled"
"en" "Jump beam - Disabled"
"en" "Chat and voice icons - Hidden"
"en" "Chat and voice icons - Visible"
"en" "Weapon model - Visible"
"en" "Weapon model - Hidden"
"en" "Goto me - Enabled"
"en" "Goto me - Disabled"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide chat enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide chat disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Weapon viewmodel disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Weapon viewmodel enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Jump beam enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Jump beam disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LAJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LAJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the LadderJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for LadderJump with a {4} jump!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}LadderJump{10}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:s},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:i}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Avg. time {4}PRO{5}: {6} ({7}) {8}TP{9}: {10} ({11})"
"#format" ""
"en" " Start the timer by pressing \n your 'USE' key at the start button"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
"en" "[{1}MAP{2}] {3}.."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
"en" "[{1}MAP{2}] {3} minutes remaining"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}"
"en" "[{1}MAP{2}] {3} seconds remaining"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "Timer restarted\nPro: {1}\nTP: {2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:s}"
"en" "Timer started\nPro: {1}\nTP: {2}"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Congratulations!\nYou finished the map in: {1}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination (height offset > 0.0)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination (failed to detect edges)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination (selected destination is too large)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Invalid destination"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:d},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Longjump Block ({4}{5} units{6}) registered!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can only register blocks down to 226 units! (current gap: {4}{5} units{6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can only register blocks up to 300 units! (current gap: {4}{5} units{6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You have missed your tp best time of ({4}{5}{6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You have missed your pro best time of ({4}{5}{6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i}"
"en" "[{1}KZ FPSCHECK{2}] You will be {3}kicked in 10 seconds{4}. Please set fps_max between 100 and 300! (detected: fps_max {5})"
"#format" "{1:N},{2:s}"
"en" "Player {1} joined {2}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Jump penalty forced. (server-sided)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Usage: !maptop "
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WARNING: Disable hyperscroll or you get banned."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:.1f},{4:.1f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Distance: {3} (Height offset: {4})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must set both points before finding a distance."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You are not aiming at anything solid!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:.1f},{5:.1f},{6:.1f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Got Point {3} at X: {4}, Y: {5}, Z: {6}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" " {1}{2}{3}WARNING: Any kind of cheating will get you banned from every KZTimer Global server! This includes, but is not limited to: hacks, macros and mouse features like hyperscrolling."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No checkpoints allowed during your challenge!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has lost {6}{7} {8}points!"
"en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Checkpoints?"
"en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Checkpoints?\nCheckpoints disabled"
"en" "Yes"
"en" "No"
"en" " allowed"
"en" "Allowed"
"en" " forbidden"
"en" "Forbidden"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't change your knife while you are dead."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP not supported while in the air."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Undo TP not supported while moving."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Info: JumpStats disabled!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No jump records found!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Challenge request sent to {4} (Bet: {5}p, Checkpoints{6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} challenged you. You have 20 seconds to {5}!accept{6} (Bet: {7}p, Checkpoints {8})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Challenge accepted."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} won a challenge against {6}{7}{8}! (Surrender)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Challenge: {3}{4}{5} vs. {6}{7}{8}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoints: {3}{4}{5}, Pot: {6}%{7}p"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No block must be enabled to start a challenge."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must be alive to start a challenge."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You are already in a challenge."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No valid players found."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:i}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} doesn't have enough player points ({4}) to accept your challenge"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} is already in a race"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}If you want to surrender just type !surrender"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Both of you can type !abort in chat to cancel the race"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Important: DON'T FORGET TO HIT THE START BUTTON!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Have Fun!!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Challenge request expired!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Challenge won! {4}(your opponent has left the server)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Challenge versus {3}{4}{5} aborted."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You have disagreed to abort the challenge."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You have agreed to abort the challenge. Waiting for your opponent.."
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Player Bet?\nYour Points: {1}"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Player Bet?\nPlayer point system disabled"
"en" "No Bet"
"en" "KZTimer - Challenge: Select your Opponent"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You are now ranked as {4}{5}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Refreshing profile data.."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Profile refreshed. [{4}{5}{6}]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has earned {6}{7} points{8} [{9}{10}{11} Total]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has lost {6}{7} points{8} [{9}{10}{11} Total]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} won a challenge against {6}{7}{8}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has lost {6}{7}points{8}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No replay found."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Replay bot already spawned."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No players found."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No map times found."
"en" "Top 100 Players"
"en" "Top 5 Challengers"
"en" "Top 5 Pro Jumpers"
"en" "Top 5 TP Jumpers"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Recalculating player rankings. This may take a while, please wait! (You can follow the progress in your console)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Recalculation finished!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Top 100 Players recalculated!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Recalculation stopped!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (102)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL PRO RECORD"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (64)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL TP RECORD (102)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL TP RECORD"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}GLOBAL TP RECORD (64)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}PRO RECORD"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} has beaten the {6}TP RECORD"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "Pro Record Replay ({1})"
"#format" "{1:s}"
"en" "TP Record Replay ({1})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s},{8:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ REPLAY{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a time of ({6}{7}{8})."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}TP TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}, TP's: {11}{12}{13}). {14}[rank {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | record {19}{20}{21}]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:c},{13:i},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:s},{18:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}PRO TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}). {11}[rank {12}#{13}{14}/{15} | record {16}{17}{18}]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:s},{16:c},{17:c},{18:c},{19:i},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:s},{24:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}TP TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}, TP's: {11}{12}{13}). Improving their best time by ({14}{15}{16}). {17}[rank {18}#{19}{20}/{21} | record {22}{23}{24}]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:s},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}PRO TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}). Improving their best time by ({11}{12}{13}). {14}[rank {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | record {19}{20}{21}]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c},{15:s},{16:c},{17:c},{18:c},{19:i},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:s},{24:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}TP TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}, TP's: {11}{12}{13}). Missing their best time by ({14}{15}{16}). {17}[rank {18}#{19}{20}/{21} | record {22}{23}{24}]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:s},{10:c},{11:c},{12:s},{13:c},{14:c},{15:c},{16:i},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:s},{21:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} finished with a {6}PRO TIME{7} of ({8}{9}{10}). Missing their best time by ({11}{12}{13}). {14}[rank {15}#{16}{17}/{18} | record {19}{20}{21}]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}NoClip unlocked (type into console: bind KEY +noclip)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} not found."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] See console for output!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] See console for output!"
"en" "Not found or invalid parameter."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Usage: !bhopcheck | @all | @me"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3} doesn't have local map times."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Local TP times found on {3}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (tickrate 64) found on {3}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (tickrate 102.4) found on {3}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (ProMode) found on {3}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Global times (tickrate 128) found on {3}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Local times found on {3}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No Local Pro times found on {3}"
"en" "Global Top"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:i}"
"en" "Global Top {1} (tickrate {2})\n"
"en" "Top 20 Global Overall"
"en" "Top 20 Global Pro"
"en" "Top 20 Global TP"
"en" "Top 50 Overall"
"en" "Top 20 Pro"
"en" "Top 20 TP"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Failed! You must be alive to set a new button."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must finish the map or be ranked as {3}, MAPPER, VIP or ADMIN to use +noclip"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Noclip disabled (server-sided)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must be ranked as {3}, MAPPER, VIP or ADMIN to use +noclip"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Climbers menu is disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}!start{4} command is disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must be alive to use {3}!spec."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:c},{7:s}"
"en" "{1}>>{2} Spectators ({3}{4}{5}):{6} {7}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c}"
"en" "{1}>>{2} Spectators ({3}{4}{5})"
"en" "KZTimer - Spec Menu (press 'm' to rejoin a team!)"
"en" "KZTimer - Spec Menu"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!unspec{4} to go back to your old team."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}!goto{4} command is serverside disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't use {3}!goto{4} if player blocking is enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You must {3}!stop{4} your timer to use !goto."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} not found."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} has teleported to you."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't teleport to {3} because the player was crouching."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't teleport to {3} because he/she was not on ground."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You can't teleport to yourself."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Failed! Player {3} is not alive."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Player {3} disabled teleporting to him/her."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed meter enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed meter disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Timer stopped."
"en" "[KZ] Timer stopped. Reason: +noclip used."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoints are disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:i},{6:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint {4}#{5}{6} saved."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint not supported while in the air."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint on a bunnyhop block forbidden."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't checkpoint because checkpoints are disabled in this area."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No checkpoints found."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Settings Enforcer enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Settings Enforcer disabled."
"#format" ""
"en" " \n Your position has been restored!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] No valid players found"
"en" "KZTimer - Compare Menu"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:i}"
"en" "{1} [Top Ranked Player] - #{2}"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:i},{3:s}"
"en" "{1} [Top Ranked On Map] - #{2}, {3}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Checkpoint not supported while your timer is running (kzpro_ map)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Radio commands are disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s},{12:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}LongJump{10}{11}{12}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}Bunnyhop{10}{11}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}WeirdJump{10}{11}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}DropBhop{10}{11}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}CountJump{10}{11}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:s},{11:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4}{5} jumped {6}{7} units{8} with a {9}MultiBhop{10}{11}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is on rampage [3 leet jumps in a row]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is dominating [5 leet jumps in a row]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for LongJump with a {4} jump!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}{4:i},{5:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Block LongJump with a {4} block and {5} jump!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for WeirdJump with a {4} jump!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Drop-Bunnyhop with a {4} jump!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for CountJump with a {4} jump!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Bunnyhop with a {4} jump!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You beat your personal best for Multi-Bunnyhop with a {4} jump!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the LongJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:i},{7:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Block LongJump Top 20! [{6} units block/{7} units jump]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the WeirdJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Drop-Bunnyhop Top 20! [{6} units]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the CountJump Top 20! [{6} units]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Bunnyhop Top 20! [{6} units]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:s},{5:i},{6:.3f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}{4} is now #{5} in the Multi-Bunnyhop Top 20! [{6} units]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide other players disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Hide other players enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Pause function is server-sided disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Pause disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Pause enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:.1f}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Please wait {5} seconds before using pause again!{4}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't pause mid-air!{4}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't unpause.. yet!{4}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't pause on a timed ladder!{4}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't pause on a bhop block!{4}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't pause because pausing is disabled in this area.{4}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Timer panel enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Timer panel disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoint message enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Checkpoint message disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Goto me enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Goto me disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Colorchat enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Colorchat disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Replay route enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Replay route disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed/Keys panel enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Speed/Keys panel disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Show keys enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Show keys disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Quake sounds enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Quake sounds disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Spectator list enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Spectator list disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Climbers menu sounds enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Climbers menu sounds disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Strafe sync in chat enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Strafe sync in chat disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Advanced climbers menu enabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Advanced climbers menu disabled."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Note: Movement speed is slower than with a knife."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] (no other weapons via chat command available)"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Nope. You already received 3 USP's.."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!help{4} in chat to get a list of KZTimer commands"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!tier{4} to check the map's difficulty!"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:s}"
"en" "{1}Player {2}{3}{4} has left the game. ({5})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:c},{6:s}"
"en" "{1}Player {2}{3}{4} connected from {5}{6}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c}"
"en" "{1}Player {2}{3}{4} connected."
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Your Prestrafe is too high. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}{7}{8} max) {9}Bhop{10}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.1f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You fell too far. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}132.0{7} max) {8}DropBhop{9}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:.3f},{8:c},{9:c},{10:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Your Prestrafe is too high. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}{7}{8} max) {9}DropBhop{10}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.1f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] You fell too far. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}132.0{7} max) {8}WJ{9}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.3f},{5:c},{6:c},{7:c},{8:c},{9:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Your Prestrafe is too high. ({3}{4}{5}/{6}300.0{7} max) {8}WJ{9}"
"en" "Top 20 Longjump"
"en" "Top 20 Block Longjump"
"en" "Top 20 Bhop"
"en" "Top 20 MultiBhop"
"en" "Top 20 DropBhop"
"en" "Top 20 Weirdjump"
"en" "Top 20 Ladderjump"
"en" "Top 20 Countjump"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "Jump Top (tickrate {1})"
"en" "KZTimer - Profile Menu"
"en" "KZTimer - Goto"
"en" "KZTimer - Top Menu"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:i}"
"en" "Map Top {1} (tickrate {2})\n"
"en" "Map Top"
"en" "Jump Top"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "Checkpoint #{1}"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "Teleport #{1}"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "CP #{1}"
"#format" "{1:i}"
"en" "TP #{1}"
"en" "Prev CP"
"en" "Next CP"
"en" "Undo TP"
"en" "Pause"
"en" "Pause - ON"
"en" "Start"
"en" "Options"
"#format" "{1:s},{2:.1f}"
"en" "{1}\nSpeed: {2} u/s"
"en" "Checkpoint"
"en" "Teleport"
"en" "CP"
"en" "TP"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:c},{25:.3f},{26:c},{27:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Distance{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync | {24}{25}{26} JumpOff Edge]{27}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Max | {14}{15}{16} Height | {17}{18}{19}{20} Sync]{21}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:i},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} JumpOff | {11}{12}{13} Max | {14}{15}{16} Height | {17}{18}{19}{20} Sync]{21}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s},{25:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}{25}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}LJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} JumpOff | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c}{11:c},{12:i},{13:c},{14:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}MultiBhop: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13}{14} Sync]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:s},{22:c},{23:c},{24:i},{25:c},{26:c},{27:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}MultiBhop{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22} Bhops | {23}{24}{25}{26} Sync]{27}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}DropBhop: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}DropBhop{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}CJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}CJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WJ: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}WJ{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:.2f},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:.0f},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:i},{16:c},{17:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Bhop: {4} units [{5}{6}{7} Strafes | {8}{9}{10} Pre | {11}{12}{13} Height | {14}{15}{16}{17} Sync]"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:.2f},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:c},{11:c},{12:.0f},{13:c},{14:c},{15:.0f},{16:c},{17:c},{18:.0f},{19:c},{20:c},{21:i},{22:c},{23:c},{24:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}Bhop{4}: {5}{6} units{7} [{8}{9}{10} Strafes | {11}{12}{13} Pre | {14}{15}{16} Max | {17}{18}{19} Height | {20}{21}{22}{23} Sync]{24}"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}PRO RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}TP RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (64){4}: {5} ({6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL TP RECORD (64){4}: {5} ({6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL PRO RECORD (102){4}: {5} ({6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL TP RECORD (102){4}: {5} ({6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL PRO RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c},{5:s},{6:s}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}GLOBAL TP RECORD{4}: {5} ({6})"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] Type {3}!language{4} in chat to select a different language"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c}"
"en" " {1}[{2}{3} block{4}]"
"en" "KZTimer - Block Jump"
"en" "Select Destination"
"en" "Reset Destination"
"en" "KZTimer - Measure"
"en" "Point 1 (Red)"
"en" "Point 2 (Green)"
"en" "Find Distance"
"en" "Reset"
"#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}"
"en" "[{1}KZ{2}] {3}You can't make a checkpoint because you just landed."